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Hong Kong

Shorinji Kempo

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Self Defence

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About Shorinji Kempo

Shorinji Kempo (少林寺拳法) is a Japanese Gendai Budo (現代武道, modern martial art), sitting alongside the other modern arts; Karate (空手道) Judo (柔道), Kendo (剣道), Kyudo (弓道), Iaido (居合道) and Aikido (合気道).

Techniques are self defence based and systemised as Goho (剛法, hard techniques) and Juho (柔法, soft techniques).

Kongo Zen (金剛禅) philosophy is also part of the martial training.

The training aims to develop your fitness, an ability to defend yourself and a sound mindset.

The 3 core goals of Shorinji Kempo training:

Healthy Body

Through physical training

Healthy Mind

Through meditation and Zen based philosophy

Self Defence

Practical non-lethal strikes, blocks, restraints and releases

Hong Kong Shorinji Kempo Dojo Training

About Our Classes

Classes often start with Zazen (坐禪) Meditation, to help everyone mentally prepare before training, focusing on breathing and clearing the mind, especially after a long day at work

In general, our classes are structured as follows


Kihon (基本), Basics

Drills focusing on core movement and techniques to develop muscle memory

Hokei (法形), Forms

Sequenced techniques; in other martial arts this may be called Kata (型)


Unyoho (運用法) & Randori (乱捕), Application & Free-sparring

Practicing the Basics in a free-form approach


Chinkon-gyo (鎮魂行), Seated Meditation

Meditation with deep breathing to train and focus the mind

Howa (法話), Philosophy

Short lectures on the principles of Shorinji Kempo


Syllabus training

Goho (剛法), Hard Techniques

Punches, Kicks and Blocks associated by grade

Juho (柔法), Soft Techniques

Throws, Pins, Chokes, Joint Manipulations and Releases associated by grade

Embu (演武), Application of Hokei

Pair-form training to develop timing, distance and the ability to execute techniques at high speed and power

Seiho (整法), Acupressure Techniques

For Therapy and Rehabilitation

Hong Kong Shorinji Kempo Dojo Training


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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us

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